Hey guys,
autumn is coming, isn´t it?! To be honest I looooove autumn soo so much! I´m totally obsessed with this kind of season where everything starts to get dim, leaves fall from the trees andddddddddddd: pumpkins are everywhere... they are so pretty, am I right?! I love the gaudy orange, the appereance and the taste, of course! Have you ever tried to bake with pumpkin? If not please do it. Immediately. If so do it as well:) You won´t regret it...
Autumn is my favorite season. -Johnny Kelly 

Cozy nights, the sweet scent of candles, lots of pumpkins and a warm fire: this is what autumn make up. Enjoy the cold and fresh air, breathe in and breathe out. Let´s recharge your batteries and spread positivity!


It´s finally pumpkin season and the reasons to celebrate are maaaany! Besides to some amazing health benefits you can enjoy the taste of pumpkin in many ways: cooked pumpkin, pumpkin spiced latte, baked pumpkin like fries, pumpkin browies, healthy pumpkin snack bars...
I decided myself to make pumpkin brownies snack bars... for me, it´s the peeerfect combination: pumpkin, chocolate, dates (gosh I lovvee them!), oats and some other ingredients. It tastes very healthy and this is what I love!


Did you know that pumpkin contains lots of vitamin A? Pumpkins are one of the very best sources of the powerful antioxidant beta-carotene. It will convert to vitamin A in your body. This may help to prevent cancer and protect you against heart disease..
Not only vitamin A is very important for your body, but vitamin C too is essential for your daily life, too! Pumpkins are a great source of vitamin C. Besides to vitamin C the fiber support heart health.
Because of its large quantities of vitamin C and beta-carotine pumpkins may boost your immune system and can help you to be fit during autumn and winter season.

I combined pumpkin with other ingredients: oats, of course haha, contain fiber and give you power for the day, unsweetened cocoa powder for important minerals such as magnesium and iron... dates embrace a high number of minerals and vitamins, so I used it  as a natural sweetener.
(There are some other ingredients that I added, but these are the most important ones)

Let´s start with the recipe! It´s a bit time-consuming but you´ll love the end result:)

What you need:
  • 250 g cooked pumpkin
  • 250 g oats
  • 150 g dates + 100 ml water
  • 1,5 tbsp apple pulp
  • 2,5 tbsp maple sirup
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 1/2 tsp natron
  • 3 tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder
  • cinnamon
  • 30 g chopped dark chocolate (optional)

How to:
  1. Peel the pumpkin, cut it into small pieces and cook it until tender, allow it to cool down
  2. Soak the dates and blend it with water until a thick puree is obtained
  3. Put the oats into a mixer and grind into flour
  4.  Add all the other ingredients (excluding the chocolate!) and mix them up
  5. Grate the chocolate finely and carefully fold in 
  6. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees
  7. Place the mixture on a backing tray covered with baking paper
  8. Bake for 25-35 minutes and let them cool down
  9. Enjoy!

Happy pumpkin spice season!


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